Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Do you FONDUE?

Well, do you? Keeping the conversation flowing at any kind of gathering is sometimes the hardest thing for a host/hostess to achieve. There are always some guests, who just can't mingle with others, who stand like wallflowers on the sidelines of conversations. Nothing gets people talking and interacting better than a "fondue party" to keep the conversation rolling and even the shyest guest will feel at ease once they pick up a fondue fork. So if you're having a gathering of people, who aren't acquainted or find it hard to join in the fun, Fondue is the very best "ice breaker" there is. Do keep the "pot" full and have plenty of food to dip.

You can buy a fondue pot or two, or just set a heatproof bowl on a warming plate. You can cook tiny pieces of meat in broth, or just dip various foods in a great sauce or chocolate. The things you can do with fondue are limited only by the imagination of the hostess. Here are some basic fondue recipes that are sure to please and turn a dull party into a really fun way for people to get acquainted.

Parmesean Fondue
1 1/2 cups milk
2- 8 oz packages of Philadelphia cream cheese- cubed
1 1/2 c grated parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp garlic salt
Various foods suitable for dipping.

Don't use anything that will crumble or break off into the fondue. Use 1" cubes of french bread, cauliflower, boiled baby potatoes, celery, meatballs, little smokie sausages. Be sure everything is cut into bite-sized pieces for dipping. Have fondue forks available or use toothpicks to spear each piece of food.

In a pan, heat milk and cream cheese on low heat untill smooth (do NOT boil). Stir in parmesan cheese and garlic salt, and heat till smooth (do NOT boil). Transfer to a small crockpot, or fondue pot to serve.
This can be made a day prior to your party , and heated in the crockpot on low.

A great taste sensation is pieces of angel food cake or fruit dipped in a plain or flavored chocolate. Here are two delicious combinations.

White Chocolate/Amaretto fondue

for each pound of Kraft white chocolate, grated or Nestles white chocolate chips, use 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 tablespoon Amaretto liquor.
Mix liquor and cream in a double boiler over simmering, but not boiling, water. Add the chocolate and Stir until all chocolate is melted. Transfer to a fondue pot and surround with bite-sized pieces of angel food cake, bananas, strawberries, pineapple, cantelope or other suitable fruit.

Dark chocolate/orange flavored fondue

For each pound of Kraft chocolate bark, grated or Nestles chocolate chips, use 1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1 tablespoon Grand Mariner liquor.
Mix liquor and cream in a double boiler over simmering, but not boiling, water. Add the chocolate and stir until all chocolate is melted. Transfer to a fondue pot and surround with bite-sized pieces of angel food cake, bananas, strawberries, pineapple, cantelope or other suitable fruit.

NOTE: more liquor may be used to taste or omitted altogether if desired.

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